I just got to know today that I got prizes for both my photographs which I submitted to enter the
"Take a Picture for Conservation" photo competition. You guys can visit
Wild Asia too.
Nature Category (1st Runner Up). Yik Hoe's wife, Lee Ping, got the Grand Prize :D which truly deserves it, no doubt about her shot. Wish I can share her photograph here but unfortunately I don't have it.

Caption: Nature's Heart

1st Runner Up Prize :D Cheers
Candid Moment Category (Grand Prize)

Caption: The best investment a father can give to his son. Planting a tree of life.

The Grand Prize :D Double Cheers
Actually this morning, I had a meeting with Deborah Chan, the Communication & Business Strategy Manager of Wild Asia Sdn Bhd, to discuss on some collaboration on the CIMB MyCause Competition.
On top of that, I conveniently made myself available to collect my prizes from Wild Asia premises. I was not entirely surprise I won but to win 2 prizes, that was totally unexpected. I thought the other contestants captured better photographs than I did.
Overall, happy happy :D
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