During my visit to the KL Bird Park, I finally had the gear to complete a series which had long to do for so long. This series was inspired from another photographer friend of mine, Mr. Sanjit. We were on a photo outing in KL Bird Park a couple of years ago. He mentioned about doing this theme, at that point I got inspired and decided to come up with my very own version.
To be honest, I kind of forgotten about this series until I came back walking the paths of the KL Bird Park. To me, the bird park resembles prison or genocide camp but for birds. Memories flashed back on my visit to the killing fields and camps in Cambodia.
Sad to see them in captivity just for the entertainment of us human. No living being should be denied their freedom. It is so selfish of us humans thinking we are actually helping the animals.
So I just had to complete this series, "Birds In Captivity" since now I am able to express them through my photographs. Thanks to my new gears.
Enjoy the photographs and captions.

"The 'cells' where they call home. Just a small opening to call a door. No window, no proper ventilation."

"Help me get out"

"Please Mister, help me"

"I have not slept for days"

Many cells were erected to 'accommodate' the captive population.

No way out

Our 'home'

Twisted fate.

"What are you looking at?"

These were just a few of the hundreds scattered around.

"Mister! Got a smoke? I could really use one right now."



Behind Bars FOR LIFE

"Look what they did to me, I am a peacock for heaven sake"

This is what they do to those who tried to escape the 'facilities' and failed.
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